Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 2 - Lake Tahoe to Monterey - Part II

Lunchtime came and we were both hungry, but we decided to drive past all the brightly colored junk food joints. We were in California afterall…and if their cows ate natural great food, why wouldn’t we. To my great excitement, we spotted a farm-stall - yes, a farm-stall!!! I miss a good South African farm-stall with freshly baked bread and local treats. This one had all of that and more…they had some great looking local veggies and organic meat. We were going to grab and go, but after taking one look at their quiches and other freshly baked goodies, we realized we had to sit down and eat this one with a knife and fork. I soon realized that the locals in this part of California don’t get many foreigners here, because as soon as we opened our mouths, the entire place stared at us. Oh well, stare away people…because I was about to scoff that quiche down with gusto!

The Beach in Monterey

We took a detour to go check out Antioch, where my husband’s colleague just bought a house and after a quick snack & drink with him, (the colleague) in the outskirts of San Jose, we were on our way to Monterey.

Monterey is a really pretty seaside town. Our hotel was about a mile or 2 from the Harbour and Fisherman’s Wharf, so we decided to walk there, next to the ocean. It was a beautiful but very chilly walk, so when we got to Fisherman’s Wharf, I was ready for some retail therapy. Unfortunately, little touristy souvenir shops are no place for a very stylish find, so I had to get something practical. Not sure if I will ever wear it again, but I am now the proud owner of a black windbreaker with a Monterey badge on it. Sometimes fashion needs to suffer when one is freezing! Sorry to disappoint all my fashionistas out there!

Monterey Harbour

We had a wonderful meal of fresh oysters and fish (crab stuffed salmon for me and sword-fish for the hubby). I don’t know why, but seafood just tastes better if you are right by the ocean. (probably because it is fresher - duh!).

Our walk back to the hotel was a lot warmer - thanks to my not-so-stylish lifesaver: my Monterey jacket!

What a great day - we traveled from the mountains to the ocean and ended it with a great meal by the sea.


  1. Mmm, oysters and crab stuffed salmon, mmm... nom nom! Bet you pull that jacket off in style! How bout a pic? x
